
Meeting with a zambian troop

Author : Nolwenn

This Monday we didn’t have our meeting because we waited until today to meet other girls scout.
Mom told us we were going to meet another troop presented by an American lady. We took the car and … we got lost in a compound (a township), just outside Lusaka. A compound is a lot of small houses stuck together and many people live there. The road was really rocky. Finally we found our way to an orphanage where the troop was.

I was scared and Lena too because it was totally different from girls scout with you.

The scouts were very nice. We were surprised because boys and girls were together at the same time.

We recited the scout promise together. We talked about safety on the road. We sang African songs, clapped and danced.At the beginning I was really scared and I didn’t want to do it.

I found three friends there.

We played on a very high playground made of wood, tires, ropes, ladders and metal bars (homemade by the children themselves and adults also).

I hope we will come back to see them. Actually, they proposed us to meet in few weeks and do activities together. I’m happy because we found a troop here. :-)